Sitting quietly with ourselves is something we too often forget to do.
Wy is that?
Is it because we are afraid of what we might find in that silence?
What might we find if we dig not into the stockpiles of answers outside ourselves, but within, instead?
Might we discover the wellsprings of the fountain of good?
Digging ourselves within is a good thing at least for me because this will allow me to ask questions that might come up with especially those ones that I struggle to find the answers.
I have a few of them such as why is it I want more in life and how can I free up my life in a wider spectrum.
Why is it sometimes no matter how hard I studied and implemented an action, the result is not satisfactory.
What other ways I can think of mastering a niche will lead me to financially abundance.
The questions can lead to another and so much more.
So, I enjoy sitting quietly because it is very important to have a conversation toward myself.
How about you?
(partial article credit is belong to Patti Digh) from a book call YOUR DAILY ROCK.