Three days ago I found tons of M&M merchandise in an aisle at Savers.
I got an overwhelming emotion because this is the first time I saw things like this.
At first, I took pictures of them but decided to video this for memory keepsake.
I grabbed my phone and the first question that came to mind was…is there a market for this merchandise.
The answer was YES there is but like everything else there’s tons of competition out there.
I purchased some and very excited to share the news with Rebel.
He asked me if there’s more or did I purchased them all.
My response was there are more at the store.
He asked me why I didn’t buy them all since they don’t come too often.
I had no response but in the meantime, I googled their prices.
I found out they were a money making so I went back to Saves and bought most of them.
That night I listed the Blue M&M but I noticed something different with this one.
He looked like he got a duck face which tells me something was missing.
Blue is missing his saxophone.
Even though he doesn’t have it I listed it anyway.
However, I remember saying to myself would it be nice if he got his saxophone.
Before I went to bed that night I checked out craigslist for M&M.
The first thing that appeared was the same Blue M&M but with saxophone.
The seller listed the item for $10.00 so I emailed her and asked if she is willing to let it go for $7.00.
I got a response the following day and the seller said ok.
Late afternoon Rebel drove and we picked it up.
That’s how we found out they were collectors and she sold some of them to me for such cheap price.
What’s the change of finding one like what I have and with a saxophone?
I don’t have the answer but I am grateful.