It’s been a while or at least as far as I remembered I never face a situation when I got pushed into a flight or fight mode until last night (when it come to transportation).
My vehicle is in the shop for four days now because of unexpected problem so I ended up renting a sport mini van. Luckily, I found a $21 per day rate. Yesterday, I got the news of what needed to be done but it is gonna cost me 2K almost. I was shocked and can’t think clear plus on top of it I am in the middle of my period. I am emotionally in the whirling wind of emotion.
Despite of the shocking news I attended the Steampunk monthly meeting to take my mind away from all that is been going on. That helped big time even it was only a short lived.
When I got back to our bunker I had nothing else to give except watched Breaking Bad and went to bed due to mental exhaustion. While I was falling asleep a promised that I will not be disturbed in my sleep by my trouble because my body and mind deserve to be at rest so the I can continue whatever I need to do the following day. That promised happened.
The first thing that I saw this morning was Rebel lying next to me. I looked at him and hugged him because that is I usually does whenever he is around.
I then proceeded with chores just to get my mind off and that is how I let go of stress. While I was washing dishes my brain was in everything suggestion modes. In one scenario I imagined thumping my fist and told the universe “ I refused to go backward and will not go backward in my life because (we) had seen what past did to us”.
I turned on my computer and the first thing I saw on my timeline was a post from my friend and what caught my attention was “Everything is Possible”. I recognized right then this is not just a post. This is sign of pending good news.
Rebel asked me to had a discussion in the garage. We both talked all the options we can’t think off and after a meaningful discussion it is good to know we are both in the same page of “We refused to surrender” with everything that is happening in our lives.
As I was about to burst into tears Evo (the brown dog) who was standing next to me looked at me deeply and then he started pulling my pink knee high socks out of my tennis shoes. I looked at him while he was looking at me. All of a sudden he bolted and started running with my socks in his mouth. So, I ended up chasing him all around the yard. He stopped so it was enough for me to get closer and then he run again. When I caught up with him…. I realized he distracted me from being emotional and ended up laughing.
After our discussion we went back in then my phone rang. Oh boy, it was the mechanic. My first inclination was… he is calling wanting to ask when I will be picking up the vehicle. However, it was a different kind of news. He said he found another option and including the labor it will cost as 1K or less. I right aways felt a stress decrease of 95%. Rebel and I made the decision to go ahead and proceed with fixing it.
I called the car rental place after and it was a relief that they converted my rate into a week instead of per day. I actually saved almost $100 for this transaction.
It is crazy that Rebel and I both felt at peace yesterday even something is brewing in our kettle.
We are always been like this when it comes to mind mapping as well troubleshooting problems.
We refused to go back backward because our past has no room for going forward.
The universe is always listening and majority of the time it will provide what we need even it is not the way we expect it.