The other day I was leaving the shopping center and I noticed the sign on the corner.
I hadn’t noticed it before because I’m familiar with that road.
It’s a boulevard, so it’s impossible to cross over and go left.
If you tried it, you’d likely cause an accident.
Thank goodness for signs like that.
They keep us on track and help us avoid all kinds of disastrous situations.
If only there were signs like that on the road to success.
Every time you were about to do something that would cost you extra time or money, you’d see the sign and choose a better path.
Unfortunately, there are no signs like that where you’re going.
But we’ve got the next best thing.
We’ll show you the way before you start out.
When you come to a crossroads, you’ll have the information you need to make a better decision.
Thousands of new marketers have followed our map to find success.